Parrot Offers Free Augmented Reality iOS Game AR.Hunter for AR.Drone Chopper


    Parrot continues to change the way games are played with its AR.Drone camera-equipped flying chopper. Following on the heels of its May release, AR.Race, the game maker is offering iOS owners a new game for free. AR.Hunter is a two-player game that sends one player into the real world in a game of hide-and-seek with the chopper on the hunt.

    With AR.Hunter, one player pilots the AR.Drone and the other, armed with an iPhone, iPod touch or an iPad equipped with a camera, wears a specific colored hat (available at for $29.99) enabling the AR.Drone camera to detect the hat-wearing player. Both the hunter and the hunted have virtual projectiles to shoot at each other to wear down their opponents AR.Hunter also can be played without the hat. Using this game mode, the AR.Drone doesn’t have any weapons. Only the human player is able to shoot it in Augmented Reality.


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